Rigging Anchors for Balanced Load - This video presents two rules of thumb for achieving balanced load onto two anchor points.
It also uncovers some of the misconceptions relating to balancing load between two anchors points.
Rigging Rope: Advantages & Disadvantages to Using Synthetics - Unlike string, thread, and line (which are single units of fiber material), rope is a combination of braided fibers which helps to increase strength. Rope can be made from natural fibers, steel, and in this case can be synthetic. Synthetic rope is more popular than ever these days because of its many advantages.
How to do Rigging and Slinging on an Offshore Rig - Working on an offshore rig is one of the staples of the rigging industry. This video helps teach you exactly what is and is not advisable when working on an offshore rig.
Using Nylon for Rigging Slings - Nylon was first introduced back in 1938. Before that, man had to make due with natural fibers, which of course have their limitations. Nylon, a synthetic fiber, is preferred over natural fibers like hemp, cotton, and manila because it is twice as strong as a natural fiber like manila.
Helicopter Rigging & Lifts - When you think about using helicopters for rigging and lifts, you must understand first that there are some places just inaccessible to other, ground-based forms of transportation. This is no different in the rigging industry than in anywhere else. Rigging is after all the moving and lifting of objects that if not for the use of specialized means could not be done so.