Taking the Plumbing Aptitude Test


Of course the first step in becoming a plumber is to become an apprentice, but in many cases before you can even do that you will have to pass the plumber’s aptitude test. While the questions on the test are not overly difficult, for some it may have been awhile since they were last in school. It’s a good idea to brush up on your basic testing skills before taking the exam, and to do that it’s even better to know what types of questions those will be.


Basic reading and writing skills (in English)

Spelling skills: You’re going to need to know how to spell. For some, high school may have been ten years ago or more. And then there are those for whom English is a second language. On the test, you will be given one paragraph in which you will need to be able to spot the misspelled words. There are usually ten questions on this part of the exam.

Reading comprehension skills: If you took the ACT exam back in high school then you might remember how the reading comprehension section works. First, you are asked to read one, perhaps two articles on average about 250 words each. After doing so, you will be asked a few basic questions to see how well you retained the information.

Basic math and measurement skills

Measurement skills: Just like in any trade, plumbing requires that you be able to decipher different units of measurement and make the necessary adjustments. For example, the test may ask you to match together different kinds of measurements like length, time, temp, weight, area, speed, volume, and cost.

Math conversion skills: yes, math is an important part of being a plumber. In particular, the test will focus on math conversions. For example, you may be asked how to convert:

-A dollar amount into cents
-A certain number of seconds into hours
-A specific number of days to a number of weeks
-Kilometers to meters
-Kilograms to grams

While the question may not be relatively hard, they are timed. Timing you on this part of the test helps to simulate how you might do in an actual working environment.

Basic math skills: Of course you will be required to know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. The test usually includes five questions on each somewhere at the high school level. You may also be required to know fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and degrees (angle). Again, you will be timed and getting them right the first time is critical.

Geometry skills: Yes your teachers were right, you are going to need to know how to use geometry. In fact, as a licensed journeyman or master plumber geometry is one of the most important skills.

The test also may cover equipment identification and safety regulations. Get to know the equipment you will be using and how to use it properly.

While all of this sounds obvious, knowing ahead of time what will be required of you on the test can mean the difference between passing and failing.