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pen-icon.png  Checklist - Do You Have What It Takes to be a Plumber? - So you want to be a plumber? All the data looks good: great pay, job security, employment opportunities. But do you have what it takes to be a plumber? Do you even know what it takes? Here is a checklist that if you do have these qualities, there’s a good chance becoming a plumber is the career choice for you.

pen-icon.png  10 Reasons Why You Should Become a Plumber - These days, getting a job in the trades is a great idea. Most trades do not require a college education and salaries have never been higher. Of all the trades, plumbing is right there at the top. Here are 10 great reasons why you should become a plumber.

pen-icon.png  How to Become a Plumber - Of all the trades, none pays better than being a plumber. None has more of a variety of applications, and plumbers make good money no matter what the setting, whether it be commercial, industrial, or residential. In short, plumbers are less averse to the ups and downs of any given industry, virtually guaranteeing good pay and job security. But how do you become a plumber? That’s definitely the first step.

pen-icon.png  Taking the Plumbing Aptitude Test - Of course the first step in becoming a plumber is to become an apprentice, but in many cases before you can even do that you will have to pass the plumber’s aptitude test. While the questions on the test are not overly difficult, for some it may have been awhile since they were last in school. It’s a good idea to brush up on your basic testing skills before taking the exam, and to do that it’s even better to know what types of questions those will be.

pen-icon.png  Average Salaries for Plumbers - If you’re thinking about becoming a plumber, you’ve made the right choice. Plumber’s salaries are right there at the very top of the trades and they span across all kinds of industries, commercial and residential. The job market is almost always good for plumbers, and salaries are on the rise.

icon-video-camera.png  Underground Plumbing: Building a House - Come see how an underground drain line is installed for new constructuction of a home. In this case, the goal is to show how to lay out the pipe in preparation for inspection.

pen-icon.png  Meet Charlie Mullins - The Plumber Millionaire - He is oftentimes referred to as Britain’s richest plumber. In fact, he may even be the world’s richest plumber. Charlie Mullins, managing director of Pimlico Plumbers, has proven what a determined plumber and his wrench can really do. Charlie came from a working-class background but is now a millionaire.

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